Club Talisman
Tidewater Coin and Relic Club has a perpetual hunt activity for members. This hunt is the club talisman. The rules are simple.
A member who has found the talisman must hide the object on public land that is open to detecting.
This member must provide clues to the location of the object during each monthly meeting.
The members should take the clue(s) and search for the object until it is found.
When the talisman is found the skilled searcher reports the find to the club president or at the next meeting.
After reporting the find, the new hunt starts over with the current possessor hiding and providing monthly clues.
As a reward for finding the talisman, the member will receive a gift and recognition of their peers. Not to mention bragging rights.

an object, typically an inscribed ring or stone, that is thought to have magic powers and to bring good luck: