Tidewater Coin and Relic Clubs 29th Annual Open Beach Hunt
Updated: Jan 26
Every year about this time our club holds a open beach hunt. And, every year it seems to get bigger and better! This year was no exception!!
It was by far the best in attendance and prizes! 60+ registered participants, and 14 detectors were
given away! It was a fun-filled morning with detectorists on the beach, searching for silver, clad and tokens. Participants came from all over the USA; 1 hunter came from California for the fun, and a chance to win a great prize! I have been a member of Tidewater Coin and Relic club since 2008, and on the Hunt Committee since 2009. Putting a hunt together takes a lot of planning, lots of phones calls and emails! Plus, a lot of trips to the coin shops and shows for prizes. Mix all of that with a little stress, and you come out on the other side with one great hunt! With Ina Finn's hard work, and a few of us to help, we have successfully put this one in the history books and we are already looking forward to next years hunt!!